Relocate OCR and Voting Disks to a different ASM diskgroup ( )

Relocate voting disks to a new ASM diskgroup

Check current status :
# $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl   query css votedisk
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   7c7a1eb193644fc3bffd655ae8e43462 (/dev/asmdisk1_udev_sdb1) [DATA]
 2. ONLINE   6590ede5237e4f37bfe6aa3d196fe972 (/dev/asmdisk2_udev_sdc1) [DATA]
 3. ONLINE   3a7c7b334faf4fdcbf05a246eddf5404 (/dev/asmdisk3_udev_sdd1) [DATA]
Located 3 voting disk(s).

Relocate Voting Disks
$  $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl  replace votedisk +OCR
Successful addition of voting disk 0850980df1024fcfbfc077b9c6935a17.
Successful addition of voting disk 0ca6719843734f16bfb62f22f94f399c.
Successful addition of voting disk 4383a5ad43324fa2bff759ce20ba0c3f.
Successful deletion of voting disk 10c81d1ce5a14fb6bf35cbb22fff3ebf.:1
Successful deletion of voting disk 98010612be6b4fc9bf3bc1b186d8758d.
Successful deletion of voting disk 9688bec3914d4f70bfc959664ddd8584.
Successfully replaced voting disk group with +OCR.
CRS-4266: Voting file(s) successfully replaced

#  $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl   query css votedisk
##  STATE    File Universal Id                File Name Disk group
--  -----    -----------------                --------- ---------
 1. ONLINE   b0e94e5d83054fe9bf58b6b98bfacd65 (/dev/asmdisk5_udev_sdf1) [OCR]
 2. ONLINE   88c2a08b4c8c4f85bf0109e0990388e4 (/dev/asmdisk6_udev_sdg1) [OCR]
 3. ONLINE   1108f9a41e814fb2bfed879ff0039dd0 (/dev/asmdisk7_udev_sdh1) [OCR]

3 thoughts on “Relocate OCR and Voting Disks to a different ASM diskgroup ( )”

  1. Hi, Nicely described, almost the same activity i intend to perform.
    i have to have one confirmation:
    will this all cause any downtime????

    1. No these operations are not expected to cause any downtime.
      But as as always in a RAC and high production env you should test
      and verify any change on a test cluster first.

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